Sunday, August 1, 2010


My wish list for college

bed risers

glue dots

shower shoes

toothbrush holder

shelf thingy

power strip


Ethernet Cord

pepper spray


weekly organizer

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ahh Summer

So Summer has fully kicked in. It's hot as a Jamaican's balls here in Charleston. haha What makes it even worse is the fact that I don't have A/C! :[. I've been working at good ol' Panera!, trying to make money to pay for school. I'm kinda worried though. ughh I'll be lucky if I can buy a decent laptop. I'm worried! I'm trying to pick up some extra hours! I can't wait to find out who I'm living with and where I'm living! ahh the wait is killing me! I can't believe college is so close, at first summer went by so slow, but now I'm going to be in Massachusetts soon! Which is crazy! woah! haha I can't believe it. It's not really the fact that I'm going to be about 1,000 miles away from home, but the fact that I'm going to be away from home, and I don't know many people from Charleston going far away. Nonetheless, I'm still thoroughly excited for Smith! yayyyyyyyyyy

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Wishlist for college.

Well going to Massachusetts for college is definitely going to be a big change for me, but a good one. To make this change a better one I'm attempting to compile a list of the STUFF I need/want for school. So what better place to make it on than my blog?

It's going to be freezing in Massachusetts compared to South Carolina so I'll definitely need a WARM jacket and some winter gear.
LL Bean Goose Down Jacket, $70
I hear LL Bean is very popular among the New English..I'd prefer this in another color though. This would probably serve as my Fall jacket.


LL Bean Duck Boots, $59
I hear they are essential..

Ugg Boots?
Seem a bit expensive, I'd rather go for something cheaper, yet similar.


I love the look of riding boots.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A day in the Life: Post Grad

A day in the Life: Post Grad

Post Grad

Graduation was intensely amazing!
The senior class lined up around 11:30 and there was a strong feeling of ebullience afloat, as all of us began to holler and scream as the line moved forward, one inch closer to the entrance of the coliseum. The senior class entered the coliseum in a line, walking in twos directly in the center of the arena, as the band played Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance". This was probably the most surreal moment of the day; walking in this dome shaped building with a huge crowd standing, screaming, and cheering us on. I couldn't believe it.
I didn't trip going across the stage, thank god!
I can't believe it's over. I feel like I'm going to be going back to the same place this Fall, West Ashley High, but in reality I'm not! Oh my! No more losing football games, no more marching at half time, no more spirit week, no more high school fights, no more tardy sweep, etc. I'm going to miss it all. This whole "done with high school" thing has yet to strike me..I guess it will on Aug. 31. The whole thing lasted about two hours, the awarding of the diplomas was the lengthiest part. It's been a fab week!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

This Blogging thing

Well now that school is out, I'll have more time to blog, especially when I buy my laptop! woo whenever that is.

Post H.S

So it's official, I'm done with high school. yay. What a relief. Graduation is June 2nd, not really looking forward to that for some other reasons that I will not state on here, but hey ya gotta do what you gotta do. Ahh I love how I'm already losing contact with people! Feels great, also feels great that I don't have to see any WAHS people (teachers and students) anymore. That school has done nothing for me, and it fails to appreciate real intelligence. As cliche as it sounds, I'm ready to move on to this new chapter of my life. I'm experiencing all sorts of feelings toward Smith, my number one being excitement! In the meantime, I'm hoping to have an awesome summer, full of fun, also learning. I'd like to learn about all sorts of things this summer, definitely catching up on some reading.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

it's official

I'm going to Smith College. yay

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Senior Year Coming to an End

So it's almost April, which means Spring Break! yay. I am in much need of a break, although I think I'm pretty much over my bad case of Senioritis. I don't know why though, I thought about it and I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss some things about high school. All of my friends from school, teachers, and all the things I hate about school like the crowded hallways, the endless amount of morons, the silly fashion trends, and all the cliques and division within West Ashley.
I have yet to choose what college I'm going to next year. gah Stuck in a rut.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


life sucks.
i got a new job--> Panera
Shopping makes everything better.